Faith Club
Faith Club
- 2018.09.18, 14:08
- "When Apple licensed Amazon’s patent in September 2000, Apple had a market cap of $8.4 billion and Amazon had one of $13.7 billion. Recently [August 2018 -w], Apple became the first US company to reach $1 trillion—followed soon after by Amazon [September 2018 -w]."
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.08.26, 20:23
- Man trakoti patīk tie japāņu sērijas ar izēšanās elementiem (iekš Netflix):
Midnight Diner: Tokyo Stories (kad nu tikai otru sezonu dabūt...)
Samurai Gourmet
Kantaro: The Sweet Tooth Salaryman
Korejiešu “Let’s Eat” pirmā sezona arī bija ļoti jauka. Un “Oh My Ghost” sākās interesanti, bet uz beigām bišķi nogāja no sliedēm.
3 rakstair doma
- 2018.08.09, 08:59
- Forbid unwanted imports in Eclipse:
Preferences → Java → Appearance → Type Filters → Add "java.awt.*".
Add favourite static imports:
Preferences → Java → Editor → Content Assist → Favorites
Add "org.assertj.core.api.Assertions"
Add "org.mockito.ArgumentMatchers"
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.08.08, 15:27
- Norvēgijas viens no galvenajiem bērnu atņemšanas Barnevernet psihiatrijas ekspertiem izrādās pedofīls. Bērnus no ģimenēm ārā, pedofīlijas tīklos - iekšā!
"The experts’ report – based on information from many health and childcare professionals as well as their own observations – concluded that the little girl’s “development would be limited” if she remained with her mother.
The report said: “This is because the mother does not recognise her daughter’s basic needs and does not perceive the mental harm she may have suffered” while in her mother’s care. ".
"'Guilty of being poor': does California couple's poverty amount to child abuse?
Three children were found living in a plywood box, but friends defend their parents as good people who fell on hard time"
Kalifornijā atņem bērnus jo vecāki ir pārāk nabadzīgi. "Materiālā vardarbība", laikam to nosauks - ja vecāki nespēj bērniem dot visu dēļ savas nabadzības.
2 rakstair doma
- 2018.08.07, 13:02
- To get a nice tree view in git add this to .gitconfig:
l = log --graph --abbrev-commit --decorate --format=format:'%C(bold blue)%h%C(reset) - %C(bold green)(%ar)%C(reset) %C(white)%s%C(reset) %C(dim white)- %an%C(reset)%C(bold yellow)%d%C(reset)' --all --max-count=20
Now git l
will show useful output (as opposed to git log
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.08.02, 09:20
- work around JDK 10 issue "Unable to execute HTTP request: PKIX path building failed: unable to find valid certification path to requested target":
ln -f -s /etc/ssl/certs/java/cacerts $JAVA_HOME/lib/security/cacerts
(apt install ca-certificates-java if you are missing the file in /etc. run "update-ca-certificates" if still problems with PKIX path.)
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.07.27, 11:57
- "The distance from the edge of the Milky Way to Andromeda is about 2.5 million light years. That journey would take 55 years ship time or slightly more than 2.5 million years Earth time and Andromeda really isn't that far on the scale of galaxies."
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.07.22, 13:28
- Izglītībai ir tāda problēma, ka netiek dots pietiekami daudz konteksta. Ģeogrāfijā, piemēram, varētu mācīt par to kā pasaulē pasta adreses darbojas. Nezināju ka Šveicē ir pilsētiņa ar Vācijas pasta indeksiem (Büsingen).
Piemēram, esmu it kā ekonomiski izglītots, bet visu mūžu esmu nodzīvojis nezinot ka Breton Woods ir tāda pilsētiņa iekš New Hampshire, kurā bija (ir) viesnīciņa, kurā notika ļoti nozīmīgas konferences par jauno pasaules kārtību pēc otrā pasaules kara.
Vēl ir interesanti, ka tagad pa visām šķirbām iekšā nāk vēl jaunāka pasaules (ne)kārtība:
2 rakstair doma
- 2018.07.04, 11:21
- "Global Elite (E1, ~60,000 people worldwide, about 30% of those in the U.S.) are a global social class, and extremely powerful in a trans-national way. These are the very rich, powerful, and deeply uncultured barbarians from all over the world who start wars in the Middle East for sport, make asses of themselves in American casinos, rape ski bunnies at Davos, and run the world. [...] They’re the corporate billionaires and drug kingpins and third-world despots and real estate magnates. They’re not into the genteel, reserved “WASP culture” of E2′s [National Elite], the corporate earnestness and “white shoe” professionalism of E3′s [Elite Servants], or the hypertrophic intellectualism and creativity of G1′s [Cultural Influencers] and G2′s [High Gentry]. They are all about control, and on a global scale. [...] They aren’t mere management or even “executives”. They’re owners. They don’t care what they own, or what direction the world takes, as long as they’re on top. They almost never take official executive positions within large companies, but they make a lot of the decisions behind the scenes.
"Unlike the National Elite, who tend toward a cultural conservatism and a desire to preserve certain traits that they consider necessary to national integrity, the Global Elite doesn’t give a shit about any particular country. They’re fully multinational and view all the world’s political nations as entities to be exploited (like everything else). They foster corruption and crime if it serves their interests, and those interests are often ugly. [...] their reason for living is to create monuments to nonexistence.
"[...] E1 is pretty much objectively evil, without exceptions. There are decent people who are billionaires, so there’s no income or wealth level at which 100% objective evil becomes the norm. But if you climb the social ladder, you get to a level at which it’s all cancer, all the way up. That’s E1. Why is it this way? Because the top end of the world’s elite is a social elite, not an economic one, and you don’t get deep into an elevated social elite unless you are very similar to the center of that cluster, and for the past 10,000 years the center of humanity’s top-of-the-top cluster has always been deep, featureless evil: people who burn peasants’ faces off because it amuses them. [...]
Analysis of current conflict.
"What has made America great, especially from 1933 until now, has been the self-assertion of the Gentry following the defeat of the Elite. The first half of the American Era (1933 to 1973) utterly emasculated the Elite. Their rapacious greed and world-fucking parasitism was repaid with 90-percent tax rates, and they told to consider themselves lucky that it wasn’t full-on socialism (or a violent revolution in which they all died, Paris-1793-style). The so-called “WASP culture” of the E2 class derives many of its norms from the paranoia of that period (when the global elite was very small, and they were the “robber baron” elite). For example, the demand that a house not be visible from the road comes from a time in which that was physically dangerous. This four-decade curtailment of the American Elite, and the more resounding destruction of the European ones, was one of the best things that ever happened to the world. It made the golden age of Silicon Valley possible.
"There are a lot of reasons why this “golden age” of a disempowered Elite was able to occur, but World War II was the biggest of all of them. Future historians will probably regard the two World Wars as one monstrous conflict, with a period of crippling, worldwide economic depression between them. Few disagree with the claim, for example, that the resolution of the First World War led inexorably to the evils of totalitarianism and the Second of these wars. This giant and largely senseless conflict’s causes seem complex – historians are still debating World War I’s inception – but the short version is that the world’s Elites did that. There was a 30-year period of war, famine, poverty, racial pogroms, and misery that existed largely because a network of high-level obligations and horrendous ideas (especially the racism used to justify colonialism, which benefitted the rich of these societies enormously, but sent the poor to die in unjust wars, contract awful diseases for which they had no immunity, and commit atrocities) set the conditions up. After about a hundred million deaths and thirty years of war, societies finally decided, “No More”. They dismantled their Elites vigorously, North American and European nations included. This became the “golden age” of the educated Gentry. In the U.S. (for which the 1950s were a decade of prosperity; in Europe, it was a period of rebuilding and not very prosperous) it was also the “golden age of the middle class”.
"However, the Elite has brought itself back to life. This Gilded Age isn’t as bad as the last one, but it’s heading that way. It started in the late 1970s when the U.S. fell in love again with elitism [...]."
4 rakstair doma
- 2018.06.26, 08:30
- Tas kas šobrīd notiek ar Amerikas pārņemšanu oligarhu rokās (1%) - kas sākās ar publisko pakalpojumu privatizāciju, ar nodokļu samazināšanu bagātniekiem, sociālo programmu griešanu, īstenībā ir process ar vienu mērķi: kā moderno demokrātiju pārvērst atpakaļ par feodālismu un despotismu. Tā ir oligarhiskā revolūcija.
"Buchanan’s ideas began to have huge impact, especially in America and in Britain. In his home country, the economist was deeply involved in efforts to cut taxes on the wealthy in 1970s and 1980s and he advised proponents of Reagan Revolution in their quest to unleash markets and posit government as the “problem” rather than the “solution.” The Koch-funded Virginia school coached scholars, lawyers, politicians, and business people to apply stark right-wing perspectives on everything from deficits to taxes to school privatization. In Britain, Buchanan’s work helped to inspire the public sector reforms of Margaret Thatcher and her political progeny."
"[...] in South America, Buchanan was able to first truly set his ideas in motion by helping a bare-knuckles dictatorship ensure the permanence of much of the radical transformation it inflicted on a country that had been a beacon of social progress. [...] With his guidance, the military junta deployed public choice economics in the creation of a new constitution, which required balanced budgets and thereby prevented the government from spending to meet public needs. Supermajorities would be required for any changes of substance, leaving the public little recourse to challenge programs like the privatization of social security.
"The dictator’s human rights abuses and pillage of the country’s resources did not seem to bother Buchanan, MacLean argues, so long as the wealthy got their way. “Despotism may be the only organizational alternative to the political structure that we observe,” the economist had written in The Limits of Liberty. If you have been wondering about the end result of the Virginia school philosophy, well, the economist helpfully spelled it out."
Koch brāļu nauda, ASV vergturu pavalstis, kas nav zaudējušas savu tieksmi atjaunot aizgājušajiem laikiem, un George Mason universitāte, kur darbojas Virginia school ekonomiskās domāšanas katedra, kas izprāto taktikas un stratēģijas kā samazināt publisko valdības ietekmi un visu varu atdot bagātniekiem.
"[...] the economist developed a grand project to train operatives to staff institutions funded by like-minded tycoons, most significantly Charles Koch, who became interested in his work in the ‘70s and sought the economist’s input in promoting “Austrian economics” in the U.S. and in advising the Cato Institute, a libertarian think tank."
Think tank. Agrāk likās ka tas ir kaut kas tāds nevainīgs, nekaitīgs - nu kā akvārijs ar zelta zivtiņām. Tagad "tank" parādās savā otrā nozīmē, ar stobru un kāpurķēdēm, kas sadragās jebkuru pretestību naudas varai.
8 rakstair doma
- 2018.06.01, 20:44
- liekam M. gulēt.
- ar viltu un spaidiem esam meitiņu pievilinājuši uz guļamistabu. mēs esam viltīgi kā lapsas!
- es arī būšu lapsa! es esmu bērniņš lapsa. un mamma ir lapsene.
0 rakstair doma
- 2018.05.11, 16:32
- M. tualetē spēcīgi pakakājusi. A. ienāk tualetē un uzreiz sāk raukt degunu.
- Fui, fui kā te tā smird...
- Tualete ir tualete, halo!
1 rakstair doma
- 2018.05.01, 17:53
- Pie LateStageCapitalism jautājuma, man rodas tāda sajūta ka varētu dibināt partiju kuras vienīgais mērķis būtu ieviest Basic Income, bet tā bez diskusijām "kas par to samaksās", un "kā tas strādās", un tamlīdzīgas dancošanas riņķī un apkārt, bet vienkārši pasludināt par mērķi, un viss tur. Vispirms ieviest, un diskutēt var pēc tam. Partijas elektorāts: nabadzīgie, kas dzīvo par minimālo algu vai zem tās - kuriem ūdens jau smeļas mutē. Vienkārši apsolot ka būs nauda.
Pietiek jau dancot pēc kapitāla stabulītes. Darba nav. Nauda ir. Vajaga tikai likt lietā.
52 rakstair doma
- 2018.05.01, 15:20
- Priekš manis "kritiskā masa" ir atgādinājums par to cik daudz vietas mums ir nolaupījuši auto pilsētās. Un ka ielām ir būtu jāpieder gājējiem un velobraucējiem, nevis automašīnām.
Priekš manis, CSN ir tikai tāda legāla fikcija kas paceļ auto vadītājus tādā virskungu kastā: viņi var noslepkavot cilvēku, un valsts to uzskatīs tikai par administratīvo pārkāpumu, nevis kriminālnoziegumu. Kad ceļu satiksmes noteikumus rakstīja, ar automašīnām eksperimentēja vietējie kungi - un ja tāds sabrauca kādu strādnieku, vai, tā taču bija gluži parasta lieta. Un tā arī likumus uzrakstīja: kas automašīnā sēd, ja gadās kādu pa zemi staigātāju nobraukt, nav sodāms. Jo viss esot pēc noteikumiem!
Bet pilsētās (un vispār, ārpus īpaši norobežotiem ātrgaitas lielceļiem) automašīnām nedrīkstētu būt nekādai priekšrokai. Piemēram, ja bērni spēlē uz ielas bumbu, tad automašīna drīkstētu pabraukt garām tikai tad, ja bērni paši viņai to atļauj: tas, ka vecāki māca bērnam, ka pēc bumbas skrienot vispirms ir jāpārliecinās vai kāds atsaldenis netriecas ar savu auto, jo citādi viņu sabrauks kā suni - ir vēsturisks kuriozs, absurds.
Pirmkārt, jebkuru satiksmes negadījumu kurā ir cietis cilvēks, ir jātiesā pēc tādiem pašiem krimināllikuma pantiem, kā ja miesas bojājumi būtu nodarīti, neiesaistot faktu ka kāds ir sēdējis auto. (Vai precīzāk: auto kā nozieguma ierocis, vainu pastiprinošs apstāklis.)
Otrkārt, ja cilvēks ir zaudējis dzīvību: tā ir slepkavība ar iepriekšēju nodomu - jo vainīgais, kurš nosēdās pie stūres, to nedarīja nejauši. Automašīna ir slepkavības ierocis, un atslēgas aizdedzē: iepriekšējs nodoms.
Treškārt, nevis gājējam (velobraucējam) šķērsojot ielu būtu jāklausās vai kāds ar auto nebrauc, bet tieši otrādi: auto vadītājam būtu lēnītēm jāpukšķina, acis un ausis vaļā - klausoties vai kaut kur spēlējas bērni, vai kaut kur brauc velosipēds. Jo auto vadītājs zina: ja sanāks kaut kādi sūdi, viņš iesēdīsies cietumā uz ilgu laiku.
Auto vadītājam (un pasažieriem) izkāpjot no automašīnas, pirms atvērt durvis - 3x pārliecināties ka nenodarīs kādam pāri (sk Dutch Reach): jo atceroties par pantu - tiesā tas nebūs "negadījums", bet gan tāds pats uzbrukums it kā ja tu ar dzelzs stieni rokā izietu uz ietves, un triektu pirmajam garāmgājējam pa galvu. Cilvēkam ar automašīnu būs tāda pati atbildība kā cilvēkam ar pielādētu ieroci.
Auto vadītājiem būtu nemitīgi jātrīc bailēs par savu atbildību, nevis jāizturas kā ceļa karaļiem. Ceļa karaļi esam mēs - gājēji, riteņbraucēji. Un beigās - auto vadīšana būs jāuztic tikai datoriem, jo tie var noskanēt situāciju visapkārt auto, uzzināt kas priekšā sazinoties ar citiem auto, tie varēs paredzēt visu kustību apkārt sev, un acumirklī nobremzēt lai novērstu bīstamību.
18 rakstair doma